
民安财产保险有限公司(简称民安保险)是经中国保监会批准成立的全国性综合财产保险公司,总部位于深圳,注册资本金20.01383亿元,经营范围包括财产损失保险、责任保险、信用保险和保证保险、短期健康保险和意外伤害保险等业务,拥有近300种保险产品,为企业及个人提供全面的风险保障。民安保险是我国最早创建的民族保险企业之一,由1943年在重庆设立的“民安产物保险公司”传承而来。在不同的发展时期,民安保险始终秉承“关注民生、保障民生”的品牌价值理念,与时俱进,吐故纳新,创新服务举措,提升业务品质,践行社会责任,致力于为国家经济发展和民生幸福提供保险保障。作为连续经营70年的保险公司,民安保险沉淀了深厚的历史底蕴,积累了丰富的风险管理经验。公司信誉卓著,品牌影响广泛,并与中国再保险公司、慕尼黑再保险公司、瑞士再保险公司、汉诺威再保险公司在内的多家国际知名专业再保险公司建立了业务关系,拥有强大的再保支持,有效保障民安客户的利益。目前,民安保险已在全国(含香港地区)设立了各级机构近150家,建立了完善的保险服务网络,提供全国范围的“通保通赔”及其他保险增值服务,并以香港为基点辐射海外市场。民安保险坚持以客户为导向,不断通过产品、服务及科技创新满足客户需求,强化数据管理和新技术应用,建立起以电子商务平台、综合客户服务平台、移动查勘定损及自助理赔服务系统为核心的综合电子服务平台,为客户提供更高效、更贴心的保险服务。“历史彰显价值,专业成就未来”,民安保险将继往开来,持续打造专业化、多元化、国际化的中国保险品牌。 Company Profile MINAN Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd (hereinafter called MINAN INSURANCE), headquartered in Shenzhen PRC, is a nationwide comprehensive property and casualty insurance company approved by CIRC. With a registered capital of 2,001,383,000 RMB, MINAN INSURANCE is engaged in offering property damage insurance, liability insurance, credit insurance, guarantee insurance, short-term health insurance, accident insurance, etc. With nearly 300 different kinds of products, the company provides integrated risk protection for both enterprises and individuals. The first MINAN Property Insurance Co., Ltd was established in Chongqing in 1943. After undergoing several different stages of development, the company now calls Shenzhen its home. As one of China’s earliest national insurance companies, MINAN INSURACE has consistently adhered to the value of “ensuring a happy and safe life for everyone” during its evolution. The company keeps moving with and adapting to the times, creating new services, improving business quality and practicing CSR. It has been committed to providing insurance coverage for national economic development and people’s overall well-being. MINAN INSURANCE has inherited a profound historical background and accumulated a rich experience in risk management after 70 years of continuous operation. With a high reputation and widespread brand influence, MINAN INSURANCE has built cooperative relationships with many internationally renowned reinsurance companies such as China Re, Munich Re, Swiss Re, and Hanover Re, which gives the company strong reinsurance ability to safeguard clients’ interests effectively. At present, MINAN INSURANCE has set up nearly 150 branches and agencies all over the country. A perfect insurance service network has been established to provide national access to underwriting and compensation, as well as other value-added services. In addition, the company has also stretched its service out to overseas through Hong Kong branch. MINAN INSURANCE has always been customer oriented and keeps pursuing innovation on products, services and technologies to meet various needs of clients. By strengthening data management and applying new technologies, the company has built a comprehensive online service system which consists of an e-business platform, an integrated customer service platform, a mobile survey and damage assessment system and a self-service claims system to provide more efficient and considerate insurance services to customers. With the belief of “history highlights the value and profession makes the future”, MINAN INSURANCE will build on its past achievements and press ahead to make unremitting efforts to build a professional, diverse and international insurance brand of China.