保险英语复习概要(不保证一定考, 也不保证不考)
保险利益原则 ----- principle of insurable interest
损失补偿原则 ----- principle of indemnity
代位求偿原则 ----- principle of subrogation
最大诚信原则 ----- principle of utmost good faith
近因原则 ----- principle of proximity
风险分担 ----- risk-sharing/risk-pooling
分散风险 ----- spreading risk
保险人 ----- insurer/ underwriter
投保人 ----- insurance applicant
被保险人 ----- Insured
受益人 ----- beneficiary
保险代理人 ----- insurance agent
保险经纪人 -----insurance broker
保险公估人 ----- insurance surveyor/ adjuster/appraiser
保险条款 ----- insurance clause/ treatment
不可抗辩条款----- incontestable clause 保费 ----- premium
保险标的 ----- subject –matter of insurance 保险价值 ----- insured value// (1) 保险索赔 ----- claim
告知 ----- representation
声明 ----- declaration
误告 ----- misrepresentation 死亡表 ----- life table/ mortality table
Rate-making ----- 费力厘定
Occupancy ----- 用途
Construction ----- 构造
Protection ----- 防护
Location ----- 位置
大数法则 ----- law of large numbers
效应理论 ----- utility theory
毛保费 ----- gross premium
纯保费 ----- net premium
附加保费 ----- loading premium
均衡保费 ----- level premium
趸缴保费 ----- lump sum premium/single premium
准备金 ----- reserve
现金价值 ----- cash value
附加条款 ----- rider
保险期间 ----- insurance period
保额 ----- amount of insurance
保险索赔 ----- claim
保险责任(受保范围) ------ coverage
除外责任 ------ exclusion
保证 ----- warranty
隐瞒 ----- concealment
要约 ----- offer 反要约 ----- counteroffer
保单不丧失权益-----nonforfeiture benefits
延期定期寿险 ----- deferred term life insurance
两全保险 ----- endowment life insurance
万能寿险 ----- universal life insurance
分红寿险 -----participating life insurance
红利 ---- dividend
养老金 ----- pension
联合人寿-----joint life
投连险 ----- unit-linked life insurance
定期寿险 ----- term life insurance
终身寿险 ----- whole life insurance
变额万能寿险 ----- variable universal life insurance
年金寿险 ----- annuity life insurance
财产保险 ----- Property & casualty insurance
巨灾保险 ----- catastrophe insurance /Act of God insurance
重大疾病保险 -----critical illness/dreadful illness insurance
意外保险 ----- accidental insurance
重复保险 ------double insurance
投保单 ----- application form/proposal form
保单 ----- insurance policy
暂保单 ----- binding slip/cover note
批单 ------ endorsement
保险凭证(小保单) -----certificate of insurance
保单持有人 ----- policyholder/policyowner
再保险 -----Reinsurance
分出公司 ----- ceding company
分入公司 ------ceded company
国有保险公司 -----state-owned insurance company
股份制保险公司 ---- stock-based insurance company
自保公司 ----- captive company
相互保险公司 ----- mutual company
合作保险公司 ------ cooperative company
互助保险公司 ------ fraternal company
Risk ----- a measure of possible variation of economic outcomes.
Hazard ----- a condition that increases the chance of loss due to a peril
Peril ----- risk event or risk incident which refers to a possible cause of loss.
Exposure to risk ----- a situation created whenever an act gives rise to possible gain or loss that cannot be predicted
Cost of risk ----- the cost imposed upon organizations because of the presenceof risk.
Asymmetric information----- one party of insurance contract possesses more knowledge than the other.
Moral Hazard----- a potential cost of insurance in which the presence of insurance increases the tendency for losses to occur through careless,
irresponsible, or perhaps illegal behavior.
Adverse selection----- a potential effect of insurance whereby worse-than-average risks are likely to buy insurance
1. 财产保险的定义有狭义和广义之分。 Property insurance can refer to two kinds of definition, viz.
property & casualty insurance in a narrow sense and broad sense.
2.按保险价值分类,财产保险可分为定值保险和不定值保险。 In conformity to the insurance value, property insurance can be classified into fixed value and unfixed value insurance. 3.自然灾害包括雷、电、暴风雨、冰雹、洪水、潮浪、海啸、大风暴、台风、旋风、龙卷风、飓风、山崩、雪崩、地陷、地震、地下火,以及火山喷发等等。这些都可能对财产造成巨大损毁或人身伤亡。 Natural disasters comprise thundering, lightning, rainstorm, hail, floods, tidal wave Tsunami, Tempest, typhoon, cyclone, tornado, hurricane ,rockslide, avalanche, subsidence of ground, earthquake , subterranean fire, volcanic eruption and so forth,
all of which may give rise to innumerable cases of loss to properties or death or personal injury.
4.保险的基本原理是分散风险。 The basic tenet of insurance is spreading of risk.
5.同一利益投保了两张或多张保单称为重复保险。 Double insurance means that teo or more policies are effected on the same interest.
6.保险的重要作用对社会大众来说是显而易见的。 The important role of insurance is apparent to the social public.
7.俗话说, 天有不测风云, 人有旦夕祸福。 As the saying goes, in nature there are unexpected storms and in life there are unpredictable
8. 免赔额是指保单中规定的某一金额或百分比,赔额必须超过该金额或百分比时方予赔偿。 Deduction denotes an amount or percentage specified in the policy which must be exceeded
before a claim is payable.
9. 机动车辆保险标的主要是车身和第三者责任。 The subject-matter of motor vehicle insurance is motor vehicle and third party liability in the main.
10. 任何保险文件, 如保险契约、保单、保险凭证、暂保单的变动或补充都可以通过背书办理。 Any amendment or addition to a existing insurance document such as an insurance
contract, policy, insurance certificate or cover note can be made by endorsement.
11. 损失的可能性越大,缴纳的保险费就越多。 The more probable the loss, the greater the premium will be.
风险成为可保风险的条件(what makes a risk insurable?)
1. It should be economically feasible. 2. The economic value of the insurance should be calculable. 3. The loss must be definite. 4. The loss must be random in nature. 5. The exposure in any rate class must be homogenous. 6. Exposure units should be spatially and temporally independent.
1. 风险应该经济上可行 2. 经济价值可以计算的 3. 损失是有限的 4. 损失是随机的 5. 风险在任何一类风险中是同质的 6. 风险单位是暂时的在空间上独立。
财产风险(property risk) All business and individuals that own, rent,
or use property are exposed to the risk that property may be damaged,
destroyed. or stolen. Property owned or used outside of the building may
also be susceptible to loss. Typical examples include trucks, automobiles,
and mobile equipment. To fully analyze property risk exposures, businesses
must consider both the types of property susceptible to loss and the potential
sources of such risk. Sources of risk include not only fire and lightning but also theft, tornadoes, hurricanes,
explosions, riots, collisions, falling objects, floods, earthquakes, and freezing,
to name only a few.
风险管理过程(Risk management process) 1. identify risks 2. evaluate risks 3. select risk management techniques 4. implement and review decisions